A young Catholic lay Apologist who has an addiction to all things Papist, Romanist, and shiny.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A bit about my current thoughts.

I've been thinking about quite a lot of stuff lately. For example, what do I do with regards to my life? Am I called to a vocation? What am I here to do?

I've been thinking about my ex. To be honest, I miss her. If it was possible, I would go back to her. But the way she's acted, she's burned a bridge. She's really hurt me to a point where I know that being with her will open up wounds which just won't ever heal if I stay with her, at least for the time being.

I'll post the rest of the debate posts in the next week or two.

I've fallen into mortal sin and I can't get up! :P But seriously, that's the truth. Please, pray for my soul, that I may reach to Confession and be free of sin, by the blood of Christ Jesus.

This is how I'll vent. I'll come up with a snazzy title for these useless posts sooner or later. I have no clue about where I'm going, or what I'll be doing. What I do know, is that I am grateful that I have my family, my friends. I am glad and honoured that people care about me, a wretched man. I just hope that I can have the courage to trust God with my life.

And this is my first installment. Dominus Vobiscum!

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